Jiawei Liang (梁家伟)

Jiawei Liang (梁家伟)

Ph.D. candidate of Power Electronics

Shanghaitech University


Jiawei Liang is a Ph.D. candidate of power electronics at Power Electronics And Renewable energies Laboratory (PEARL), Shanghaitech University. His research supervisor is Prof. Haoyu Wang. His research interests include switched-capacitor converter, point-of-load converter, and magnetic integration in data center applications.

Download my resumé.

  • Switched-capacitor converters
  • Point-of-Load (PoL) converters
  • Resonant converters
  • Magnetic Integration
  • PhD in Electrical Engineering, 2022 - Now

    Shanghaitech University

  • M.S. in Electrical Engineering, 2020 - 2022

    Shanghaitech University

  • B.E. in Electronic Information Engineering, 2016 - 2020

    Shanghaitech University

Recent Publications

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(2024). Phase Shift Regulated Resonant Switched Capacitor Based Intermediate Bus Converter for 48V Data Center Power System. In IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., in press. (accepted on May 30, 2024).

PDF Cite Project URL DOI

(2024). A Switched-Capacitor and Series-Resonant Hybrid MHz DCX in Data Center Applications. In IEEE Trans. Power Electron., in press. (accepted on Jun. 28, 2024).

PDF Cite Project URL

(2024). A Phase Shift Regulated Resonant Converter with Wide Input Voltage Range. In China Patent, Application No. CN202410427243 .7, submiited on Apr. 10th 2024.

PDF Cite Project

(2023). A Resonant Switched-Capacitor LLC DCX in Data Center Applications. In Proc. Int. Power Electron. Appl. Symp. (PEAS), Guangzhou, China, Nov. 2023 (won the Excellent Paper Award).

PDF Cite Project URL

(2023). Hybrid high step-down switched-capacitor and series-resonant converter. In China Patent, Application No. CN202311042761 .9, submitted on Aug. 17th, 2023.

PDF Cite Project

(2022). Overview of Voltage Regulator Modules in 48V Bus-based Data Center Power Systems. In CPSS Trans. Power Electron. Appl., Sept. 2022.


(2022). Light Load Efficiency Boost Technique for Switched Tank Converters Based on Hybrid ZVS-ZCS Control. In Proc. Int. Power Electron. Conf. (IPEC-ECCE Asia), Himeji, Japan, May 2022.

PDF Cite Project URL

(2021). A Merged H-Bridge Based Switched Tank Converter for Front-End Voltage Regulator Modules. In Proc. IEEE Energy Convers. Congr. Expo. (ECCE), Vancouver, BC, Oct. 2021.

PDF Cite Project URL

Selected Honors & Awards

2022-2023 Outstanding Student of ShanghaiTech University
Excellent Popular Science Popularization Award, 6th Innov. & Entr. Conf., ShanghaiTech Univ.
Excellent Popular Science Popularization Award, 5th Innov. & Entr. Conf., ShanghaiTech Univ.
2021-2022 Merit Student of ShanghaiTech University
Excellent Popular Science Video Award, 4th Innov. & Entr. Conf., ShanghaiTech Univ.
2020-2021 Merit Student of ShanghaiTech University

Professional Services

Sep 2021 – Present
  • Student member, IEEE, 2024.03 - present
  • Young Professionals, IEEE, 2024.03 - present
  • Student member, CPSS, 2021.09 - present
Jan 2021 – Present

Types of paper include:

  • IEEE Transaction on Industrial Electronics
  • IEEE Transaction on Power Electronics
  • IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification
  • IEEE Appl. Power Electron. Conf. Expo. (APEC 2021-2024)

Teaching and Volunteer Experiences

Teaching Assistant
Sep 2021 – Jan 2022 China

Responsibilities include:

  • Prepare, grade, and guide homework/project;
  • Lead and teach project experiments;
  • Update and maintain course website.
Teaching Assistant
Mar 2020 – Jun 2020 China

Responsibilities include:

  • Lead and teach discussion class;
  • Communicate with students to solve their problems, and help them to improve;
  • Update and maintain course website.
Open Campus Day, ShanghaiTech University
Jun 2021 – Present Shanghaitech University
Every summer vacation



CET-6, good technical writing and reading skills, fluent in speaking.


Ansys Maxwell, Altium Designer, PSIM, Matlab/Simulink, LTspice, Visio, Python


TMS320F28335, TMS320F28379, STM32F10x


Oscilloscope, Electronic Source/Load, Impedance Analyzer, Power Devices Analyzer, Power Analyzer
